General info

* Exp rate: 1x Static* Skills rate: 3x
* Loot rate: 2.5x* Magic rate: 1x
* Total players: 7132* Total accounts: 3551

Game systems:

PvP Settings
-Automatic PvP enforced while you are in guild

Servers Features
*8.0 protocol with hotkeys
*Daily LMS / ETB events
*Daily Castle Raid events
*Daily lottery system
*Stackable runes/fluids
*7.4 spell formulas / mana cost
*Heavily customized 7.4 map with over 40 custom spawns
*Reborn system
*Bestiary system
*Paperdoll system ( Every equipable item in game will be shown on your character )
*Store in game system
*Custom market system
*Custom bank system
*Aura system
*Wings system
*Pet system
*Crafting system
*New monsters + bossess
*Dungeon System
*Custom Spawns
*Most of existing spawns are boosted
*Second promotion system
*Custom enchanting system
*Over 100 tasks
*Over 450 new items
*Token System
*Daily Castle Raid System
*Party 4 vocations bonus exp
And way more ;-)

Frag System

Frag Type Frag Reset Time
Daily Frag Limit Frags reset daily at server save. Red skull after 5 kills, ban after 7 kills.
Weekly Frag Limit Frags reset every Monday at server save. Red skull after 35 kills, ban after 40 kills.
Monthly Frag Limit Frags reset on the 1st of each month. Red skull after 105 kills, ban after 110 kills.

Protection System

  • 15 protected kills are allowed per player.
  • Protection lasts 10 days from the first kill.
  • Kills justified based on level or power difference (80% threshold).
  • Exceeding the protected limit results in unjustified kills and penalties.

Regeneration rates:

Vocations Hp / second Mp / second
Sorcerer 2 HP / 8 seconds 3 MP / 3 seconds
Master Sorcerer 2 HP / 6 seconds 3 MP / 2 seconds
Grand Sorcerer 2 HP / 4 seconds 3 MP / 1 seconds
Druid 2 HP / 8 seconds 3 MP / 3 seconds
Elder Druid 2 HP / 6 seconds 3 MP / 2 seconds
Grand Druid 2 HP / 4 seconds 3 MP / 1 seconds
Paladin 2 HP / 5 seconds 3 MP / 6 seconds
Royal Paladin 2 HP / 4 seconds 3 MP / 4 seconds
Grand Paladin 2 HP / 3 seconds 3 MP / 3 seconds
Knight 2 HP / 4 seconds 3 MP / 8 seconds
Elite Knight 2 HP / 3 seconds 3 MP / 6 seconds
Grand Knight 2 HP / 2 seconds 3 MP / 5 seconds